FUTURE 12k form system Simple but effective beam and slab decking for conventional casting works, FUTURE 12k form is the best alternative where the Table form system is not applicable. It can be assembled and dismantled easily for fast operations and various concrete slab decking structures.
Conventional but Better
What makes FUTURE 12k form system better than the other conventional systems, Is that it usesa lightweight Aluminum beams to serve as ledger and joist which makes the assembly faster and easier.
Download our 12-K Form System to view detailed specifications, sizes, and pricing options.
Future Formwork innovates construction with sustainable solutions, empowering builders for a better, greener world.
Future Formwork
UAE – Dubai Industrial City
Plot No: 34023
P.O.Box: 119950
Dubai, UAE
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Future Formwork
UAE - Dubai Industrial City
Plot No: 34023
P.O.Box: 119950
Dubai, UAE